Friday, June 3, 2016

Comicon 2016: Link from Legend of Zelda

Specifically, from the Windwaker game. Link’s costume changes from game to game but Windwaker seemed like the best way to go to keep it light and simple (seeing as how it’s going to be 115 degrees in Phoenix on Sunday).

His dad let him pose with the Master Sword for the picture but he’ll be carrying around the foam sword you see in the bottom right picture. Hopefully, he doesn’t get the urge to smack too many things or he’ll lose sword privileges :)

The costume was pretty simple to make. So much of it was actually from Walmart, I was surprised. In case you’re curious here’s the breakdown…

Boots - we already had them, I think they are from Crazy 8 or Children’s Place. They are actually a size too small though (8). He says they are comfy, but I also picked up a pair of light brown shoes as a backup.

Leggings - girls’ 2T Garanimals white leggings from Walmart.

Green undershirt - size 2T, Garanimals, from Walmart. Technically Link’s is long-sleeved, but not in Phoenix in June, it’s not.

Green tunic - a Hanes youth size XS from Walmart. It was already a V-neck. We just cut the sleeves and tucked them in with iron on fabric bond.

Hat - Amazon

Shield - Actually a Nintendo DS case, which is perfect because he can stick a few small toys in there. It retails for $20 but I caught it for $5 on Amazon. The only downside is it’s a little heavy, even empty… he may not want to wear it for long periods of time. We attached it to the shield strap with Velcro dots.

Foam sword - Grabbed it a few months ago from Target’s Dollar Spot when they were having 50% off the Dollar Spot - so it was 50 cents. Certainly not accurate to the game, but I wanted “least likely to harm anything” over “accurate” for a 2.5-year-old.

Shield strap and belt - ribbon from Walmart. It’s the width you can see on his belt, and we folded it over for the shield strap. The texture is super close to an actual belt, and since it’s a ribbon, it’s so light. It’s attached in the back with Velcro dots.

Belt buckle - Yellow Crayola brand air dry clay with some Sharpie. Super simple and weighs absolutely nothing. Attached with super glue.

So there you have it! I can’t remember at all how much the boots were, but excluding them, the entire costume was easily under $30.