Friday, May 13, 2016

Mother's Day 2016: Potted Solar Lights

Activity completed April 2016 for Mother's Day, May 7.

One of the projects we did for Mother's Day this year was decorated terracotta pots with solar lights. I had seen this on Pinterest and thought that Tripp would enjoy decorating the pots, and he did. (Ignore the crooked light on the blue pot... I just stuck it in there for the photo.)

We used:
  • Medium sized terracotta pots
  • Small solar lights (found in Walmart's garden section)
  • Acrylic paint
  • Masking tape

I painted the pots first and then we decorated them. On one side of each pot we put Tripp's handprint. On the other side I taped masking tape and let Tripp finger paint over it. (Probably next time it would be best to do the handprint last, since I had to protect it from rogue paint.) You can do all sorts of things with the decoration of the pot... fabric, paper, paint, stickers, maybe even a photo.

Then all you have to do is Mod Podge (I used outdoor Mod Podge) to seal and add the solar light.

Some consideration should be taken with the solar light. We brought a pot into Walmart with us and tried different lights - our Walmart actually didn't sell plain terracotta pots so we couldn't just grab some off the shelf. The lights that fit were the smallest. Even so, when Tripp added some paint around the hole in the pot it made it a bit snug for the light. You'll want to consider that when painting and Mod Podge-ing.