Friday, December 25, 2015

Colored Rice Craft

Activity completed September 6, 2015.

This was a simple addition to our fun with colored rice. It couldn't be easier - all you need is:
  • Colored rice
  • Cardstock
  • Clear-drying glue
We each made designs with the glue on our paper. I went for a heart shape while Tripp experimented with how the glue flowed and how hard he needed to squeeze. Then we added handfuls of the rice onto the paper. A few minutes later I shook the loose rice from each paper and we had our colorful designs!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Exploring Colored Rice

Activity completed on September 15, 2015.

Tuesdays are the day Tripp and I get to spend entirely together. Usually we go to the library in the mornings, he naps, and then we have fun with an activity in the afternoon - anything from going to the park if the weather is nice to a craft or just free play. Tuesdays are great and I really cherish them, because all too soon he'll be in school and we won't have this free time together.

I thought having some fun with colored rice would be a nice way to spend one of our Tuesday afternoons. In the morning, before we went to the library, I followed these directions from Paging Fun Mums and by the time he was finished with his nap and lunch it was dry and ready to be played with.

While I was making the rice I let him choose the colors. We ended up with blue, green, yellow, red and a very dark purple.

We donned our winter hats, as you do, and got to playing. I had cups and bowls out to experiment with moving the rice. He got right into it.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Fall Leaves Garland Craft

Activity completed November 2015.

I first spotted the idea for this fall leaves craft on Raising Arizona Kids. It was a perfect fit for a Tuesday afternoon at home since we always buy Viva paper towels and we had plenty of pipettes and food coloring on hand.

The idea is simple: draw or trace leaves on paper towels with Sharpie, then use the droppers to drop colored water onto the towels. When they're dry, cut them out and string them up for a pretty seasonal garland.

One thing I enjoyed in contrast with the original blogger's leaves was the colors on each leaf. Ours turned out with lots of colors on each leaf and it looks so pretty, particularly in person. Tripp likes any craft where he gets to use those pipettes!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Marshmallow Engineering

 Activity completed September 8, 2015

Marshmallow engineering is a super simple, fun STEM activity. It's easy to set up and clean up and chances are you already have what you need in your kitchen. When we recently visited the Children's Museum of Phoenix, they had this set up in one of their side rooms.

All you need is marshmallows of various sizes and dry spaghetti noodles. Then you can let imagination do the rest. See how tall or long something can be built. What kind of support do marshmallows offer? Can you replicate a famous bridge or building with food? What else can you use to build with? Imagination is limitless...